About Us

Together we can
Down Syndrome Clare

Who are We?

As the Clare branch of Down Syndrome Ireland, we are dedicated to the mission of creating an Ireland where people with Down Syndrome can live their lives to their fullest potential and feel themselves to be valued and recognised citizens. We aim to do this by providing the necessary information, services and supports for our members and their families to thrive and for the professionals who work to support them.

Promoting Understanding

We believe that an integral part of achieving our mission is to strive to promote awareness and understanding within the wider community and to help our members to participate and feel seen and heard within their communities and the wider world. Our mission is not simply for our members to be included in society, but to belong.


Our Vision

We work towards a society that enables all people with Down syndrome to participate to their fullest potential, as equal members with full entitlement as Irish citizens.


Our Mission

Down Syndrome Ireland supports people with Down syndrome and their families in their communities. We strive to provide consistent, high-quality advice, support and information to every person with Down syndrome to ensure that whatever their stage of life they have a network to support them.



Our purpose is to create the environment for people with Down syndrome to achieve their potential, with a particular focus on health, education, employment, and life in the community. Down Syndrome Ireland is a confederation of local branches, who work together to ensure consistency, quality and a common approach which celebrates, supports, and advocates for people with Down syndrome.

Down Syndrome Clare

Committee Members

Down Syndrome Clare is run by parents on a voluntary basis assisted by part-time administrative support. We are fortunate to have volunteers that help at events and fundraising and therapists and teachers throughout the County who provide services. We do not receive state funding, all income is raised through donations and fundrasising and is used in the support of our members. Our branch is a community of people working together to better the lives of our children.

Maeve Crawford


Nina Carey


Fundraising is key to us continuing to support our members.  

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